Research Areas : Artificial Intelligence

In the past decade, an abundance of data has become available, such as online data on the Web, scientific data such as the transcript of the human genome, sensor data acquired by robots or by the buildings we inhabit. Turning data into information pertaining to problems that people care about, is the central mission of AI research at Stanford.

Members of the Stanford AI Lab have contributed to fields as diverse as bio-informatics, cognition, computational geometry, computer vision, decision theory, distributed systems, game theory, image processing, information retrieval, knowledge systems, logic, machine learning, multi-agent systems, natural language, neural networks, planning, probabilistic inference, sensor networks, and robotics.

Faculty Research Focus
Russ Altman application of computing technologies to basic molecular biological problems, now referred to as bioinformatics 
Serafim Batzoglou computational genomics 
Gill Bejerano computational genomics 
Paulo Blikstein cognitive computational modeling, agent-based modeling, complexity sciences; constructionist, project-based, learning environments 
Kwabena Boahen building a simulation platform that will enable the cortex's inner workings to be modeled in detail 
Ron Dror computational biology 
Stefano Ermon probabilistic reasoning and inference, machine learning, computational sustainability, sequential decision making, and control theory 
Ed Feigenbaum knowledge-based systems 
Richard Fikes knowledge representation 
Mike Genesereth computational logic, semantic web, computational law, enterprise management, general game playing 
Noah Goodman computational models of cognition, integrating logic and probability; probabilistic programming languages; natural language semantics and pragmatics  
Leonidas Guibas computational geometry, image processing, graphics, computer vision, sensor networks, robotics, discrete algorithms  
Daniel Jurafsky computational linguistics, speech recognition, natural language 
Oussama Khatib robotics, haptics, motion planning 
Mykel J. Kochenderfer N/A 
Anshul Kundaje development of statistical and machine learning methods for integrative analysis of diverse functional genomic and genetic data to learn models of gene regulation 
Jean-Claude Latombe robot-assisted surgery, integration of design and manufacturing, digital actors, molecular motions 
Jure Leskovec mining and modeling large social and information networks 
Fei-Fei Li computer vision 
Percy Liang modeling both natural and programming languages, and exploring the semantic and pragmatic connections between the two; analyzing learning algorithms, both theoretically and empirically 
Christopher Manning natural language processing, information retrieval,  
John McCarthy formal reasoning 
Clifford I. Nass (1958-2013) language, speech 
Andrew Ng machine learning, reinforcement learning/control, broad-competence AI 
Nils Nilsson robotics 
Roy Pea how innovations in computing and communications technologies and affiliated socio-cultural practices can influence learning, thinking, and educational systems 
Kenneth Salisbury robotics, haptics, computer-aided surgery 
Silvio Savarese theoretical foundations and practical applications of computational vision 
Yoav Shoham logic, multi-agent systems, game theory, electronic commerce 
Sebastian Thrun robotics, machine learning, probabilistic methods 
Benjamin Van Roy reinforcement learning 
The Red Sea Robotics Exploratorium
'ImageNet: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Image Database'
3-D Sensing of Deformable Objects
3D representations for object detection
3D scene understanding from images
A Unified Framework for Object Detection, Pose Estimation, and Sub-category Recognition
Adaptive Dynamic Collision Checking
Alignment & Comparative Genomics
An Accurate Method for Inferring Relatedness in Large Datasets of Unphased Genotypes via an Embedded Likelihood-Ratio Test
An Algorithmic Approach to Group Scheduling
An Experimental Platform for Haptic Feedback in Robotic Catheterization Tasks
Autonomous Helicopter Project
Beyond PASCAL: A Benchmark for 3D Object Detection in the Wild
Beyond Textbooks: New Pedagogical Model to Enhance Science and Mathematic Learning Using Mobile Video Captures
Block Splitting for Large-Scale Distributed Learning
Brain-Inspired Computing
Building and Using a Semantivisual Image Hierarchy
CAMPAIGN - Clustering Algorithms in Modular, Parallel, and Accelerated Implementation for GPU Nodes
Collaborative Haptic Environments
Combining Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning to Predict Poverty
Computational Game Theory (NSF ITR)
Computational Law
Computational Methods for Studying the Variation in Expression and Chromatin State Across Individuals and Populations
Computational Neuroscience: Scene Classification
Computational Studies of a Constitutively Active G Protein-coupled Receptor
Computer Haptics (Poster + Demo)
Connectionist Temporal Modeling for Weakly Supervised Action Labeling
DARPA Grand Challenge
Data-driven Structural Priors for Shape Completion
Deep Learning
Deep Learning for Protein Complex Prediction
Demo: Simulation of Dynamics, Control, and Haptic User Interface for a Humanoid Underwater Robot
DenseCap: Fully Convolutional Localization Networks for Dense Captioning
Design Improvements of Upper Limb Prosthesis to Increase Acceptance Rate
Design Methodologies of Hybrid Actuation for Human-Friendly Robot.
Development of a Modular Unmanned Underwater Robotic System / Design and Feasibility Study on Cooperative Navigation
Digital Department
Ed Feigenbaum's Search for A.I.
Efficient Extraction of Human Motion Volumes by Tracking
Efficiently Updating Column Stores
Elastic Strip Framework
End-to-end Learning of Action Detection from Frame Glimpses in Videos
Event Extraction as Dependency Parsing
Extracting Moving People from Internet Videos
Extracting Relations from Text for Knowledge Base Population
General Game Playing
Genome Evolution during Progression to Breast Cancer
Genomics Approach to Identifying Transcription Factor Functions and Complexes
GREAT Improves Functional Interpretation of CIS-Regulatory Regions
Grouplet: A Structured Image Representation for Recognizing Human and Object Interaction
HaemoBot: a Robotic System for IV Insertion
Haptic-Feedback Assistive Devices
Human Action Categorization
Human Motion Analysis via Whole-Body Marker Tracking Control
Human Motion Synthesis
Human-Friendly Robot Design
Humanoid Robots on Rough Terrain
Improving Website Hyperlink Structure Using Server Logs
Independent Component Analysis: Identifying Data-Driven Human Gene Modules
Insurance in the World of Big Data
Integrative Models of Expression and Chromatin Variation Across Cell Types
Joint Embeddings of Shapes and Images via CNN Image Purification
Just-in-time Compilation of MCMC for Probabilistic Programs
Lateen EM: Unsupervised Training with Multiple Objectives, Applied to Dependency Grammar Induction
Learning Models of Biological and Medical Data
Learning To Make Textual Inferences
Logical Spreadsheets
Machine Learning for Control
MobiSim: Disruptive Technologies for Ubiquitous Medical Education
Modeling Flexible Protein Loops
Modeling Mutual Context of Object and Human Pose in Human-Object Interaction Activities
Multi-finger Manipulation
Multi-goal Motion Planning
Multiple-Contact-Point Haptics
Neuromorphics: Compiling Code by Configuring Connections
Object Class Detectors for 3D Scene Understanding
Optimal Decision Making for Automotive Safety Systems
OPTIMOL: automatic Object (or online) Picture collecTion via Incremental MOdel Learning
Plug & Play Data Source in your Browser with Dexter
Predicting Help-Seeking Behavior in Students Learning to Program
Probabilistic Relational Models
Quadruped Robot
Quantifying the Influence of Online Media
Real-time Motion Capture using a Single Time-Of-Flight Camera
Recent Progress Towards Robotic Ultrasound Guidance Forradiation Therapy of Dynamic Soft-Tissue Targets
Recent Progress Towards Robotic Ultrasound Guidance Forradiation Therapy of Dynamic Soft-Tissue Targets
Recurrent Attention Models for Depth-Based Person Identification
Repair Guidance in a WYSIWYG Data Editor
Robobarista: Learning to Manipulate Novel Objects with Haptic Feedback
Robotics-based Methods for Human Motion Synthesis: Applications in Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine, Ergonomics, and Computer Animation
Robotics-Based Reconstruction and Synthesis of Human Motion
Romeo & Juliet - Stanford Assistant Mobile Manipulations
Rope Manipulation Planning
SAI - Simulation & Active Interfaces
Salisbury BioRobotics Laboratory
Sampling Propagation Cascades
Serpentine Mechanisms
Shallow Semantic Parsing
Small-step Retraction in PRM Planning
SMS Text Normalization using Statistical Machine Translation
Soft Tissue Modeling - towards real time simulation
Speech Processing
STAIR: The STanford AI Robot
Statistical Linguistics
StatNLP models: Combining linguistic and statistical sophistication
Structural Recognition of Human Activities
Study of Protein Motion
Surgical Simulation
Tactile Interfaces for Tele-Dermatology
The Genomics of Neurodevelopment: Transcriptional Networks Underlying the Developing Neocortex
The Intelligent Time Manager
The Red Sea Robotics Exploratorium
Towards Total Scene Understanding:Classification, Annotation and Segmentation in an Automatic Framework
Transcriptional Networks Underlying Development
Translational Bioinformatics
Understanding Actions and Interactions in Range and Video Data
Understanding complex human activities
Understanding Digital Communications in 5,000 Languages
Understanding the Human Genome
Unsupervised Language Learning
Virtual Rehearsal Environment for Maxillofacial Fracture Repair with Haptic Feedback
Visual Relationship Detection with Language Priors