2009 Poster Sessions : Analytical simulation of CRISM image formation process

Student Name : Mario Parente
Advisor : Robert M. Gray
Research Areas: Information Systems
We created a model of the remote sensing process for images of the Martian surface acquired with the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) flying on-board of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), in order to investigate the inter-relationships of the system components and to enable a better understanding of the resultant images. Our results demonstrate the effects of the environment and the instrument on forming CRISM images. This knowledge can aid researchers in planning and executing scientific analysis using CRISM data.The focus of this project is on inter-relationships among the surface characteristics, the atmosphere, and the sensor noise and their influence on detection accuracy of the mineral species on the ground. We created controlled scenarios with spectral features that are traditionally challenging to detect by manual and automated techniques.

Mario Parente is a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering. He holds Master's degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford and Communication Engineering from University "Federico II' of Naples, Italy. He is affiliated with the SETI Institute and NASA Ames research center. He is also member of the CRISM spectrometer team where he is involved in the scientific and engineering operations.His current research involves remote sensing, supervised and unsupervised learning and statistical image processing of the Martian surface. He has contributed to the software currently used by the CRISM team and other researchers to calibrate and analyze CRISM images.