Rohit Ramesh: 2016 IoT Workshop


Thursday, April 14, 2016
Location: Fisher Conference Center, Arrillaga Alumni Center

"Embedded Device Generation: Turning Software into Hardware"



We introduce embedded device generation, a design and synthesis process that allows anyone who can write code to develop embedded hardware. The key insight is that a simple program can serve as a complete design specification for the embedded device that runs it. We envision future device generation tools that can enable new workflows for makers, make professional engineers more productive, and allow component manufacturers access to wider markets. We are currently developing a prototype version of these tools, and we soon hope to solicit feedback from both industry and the research community.


Rohit Ramesh is a second year PhD student at the University of Michigan working with Prabal Dutta. He received a BS in Computer Science at the University of Maryland. His research focuses on improving the development tools and interfaces for embedded systems, with an eye towards using insights from Formal Systems, Programming Language Theory, Machine Learning, and Human Computer Interfaces.