Mark Horowitz: 2016 IoT Workshop


Thursday, April 14, 2016
Location: Fisher Conference Center, Arrillaga Alumni Center

"Innovation in a Post Moore's Law World: Another View of IoT"



For the past half century the world has enjoyed the benefits of many innovations enabled by Moore?s Law scaling of silicon technology. While Intel claims that scaling is still healthy, most other organization see issues today, and many more issues ahead. Regardless of whether it has started to happen already, it will eventually stop, and that point is that that far away.

This talk describes how the value of electronic technology has moved from being technology driven to be application driven, and how the design process and the industry must adapt if it wants to continue to create high-value products. In this scenario, successful products include many "cupholders", small low cost additions that improve the user experience. Given the low cost of computing and communication, many of these cupholders will connect devices to the internet, becoming an IoT device. As a result there is a critical need to foster the community's ability to both create these type of systems, and to ensure its security. Since the net connectivity is the cupholder and not the car, it is unlikely that security will be achieved any other way.


Mark Horowitz is the Yahoo! Founders Professor at Stanford University and was chair of the Electrical Engineering Department from 2008 to 2012. He co-founded Rambus, Inc. in 1990 and is a fellow of the IEEE and the ACM and a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Science. Dr. Horowitz's research interests are quite broad and span using EE and CS analysis methods to problems in molecular biology to creating new design methodologies for analog and digital VLSI circuits.