Jure Leskovec : 2013 InfoLab Workshop


Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Location: Fisher Conference Center, Arrillaga Alumni Center

"Mining Social Data"


With an increasing amount of social interaction taking place in on-line settings, we are accumulating massive amounts of data about phenomena that were once essentially invisible to us: the collective behavior and social interactions of hundreds of millions of people. In this talk we discuss how large-scale data mining can be applied to questions involving user behavior in online networks and the dynamics of information flows through such networks: What are emerging ideas and trends? How is information being created, how it flows and mutates as it is passed from a node to node like an epidemic?


Jure Leskovec is Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University where he is a member of the Info Lab and the AI Lab. His research focuses on mining large social and information networks. Problems he investigates are motivated by large scale data, the Web and on-line media. This research has won several awards including best paper awards at KDD (2005, 2007, 2010), WSDM (2011), ICDM (2011) and ASCE J. of Water Resources Planning and Management (2009), ACM KDD dissertation award (2009), Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship (2011), as well as Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (2012). Jure received his bachelor's degree in Computer Science from University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ph.D. in machine learning from the Carnegie Mellon University and postdoctoral training at Cornell University. You can follow him on Twitter @jure.